Bible Interpretation, Student Workbook, SW05

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God wants to communicate to us about the nature of a truth or event, he usually tells stories, either those in history or those invented for illustration and analysis. Which form of biblical study is more foundational to you: the story or doctrinal teaching? Is it necessary to spend a lot of time studying the ways of the story, and seeking God’s meaning in the story, or simply going to the portions of Scripture where God’s mind is directly and clearly explained (e.g., the Epistles)? Which should come first, the story or the doctrine?

Biblical Literature: Interpreting the Genres of the Bible

Segment 1: General Principles of Interpretation

Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

The term “genre” (pronounced JOHN-ruh) refers to that particular kind of literary form which communicates truth and must be interpreted according to the rules of that form. The study of genres is critical for effective biblical interpretation because the Bible itself as a book of literature is filled with different literary types, all of which function according to specific rules and principles. God has communicated to us using the human literary strategies of genres to communicate his Word. These include the use of narrative (both historical and imaginative), the Law (legal writings), epistles (letters), prophecy, wisdom literature (proverbs, monologues, riddles, fables, parables, allegories, etc.), and poetry. The types of literary presentation differ because of the impulse to fulfill a particular need in a given context, to deepen our understanding of our fundamental human experience, to allow us to image reality in its most concrete form, to display the artistry of the biblical authors as led by the Spirit, and to reveal the richness of the mystery of God and his work in the world. The study of genre can greatly enrich and empower us as we seek to understand the meaning of God’s Word. Our objective for this segment, General Principles of Interpretation , is to enable you to see that: • The term “genre” (pronounced JOHN-ruh) refers to that particular kind of literary form which communicates truth and must be interpreted according to the rules of that form.

Summary of Segment 1


• The interpretation of the Bible according to genres must begin with a careful understanding of the basic assumptions of genre study, which

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