Bible Interpretation, Student Workbook, SW05

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Please take as much time as you have available to answer these and other questions that the video brought out. Because of the dedicated work of scores of biblical scholars, we now have the ability to use a remarkable array of scholarly tools designed to give insight into the world of the biblical text. Our essential commitment to such scholarly tools is to bridge the gap between our world and the ancient biblical world, and thus to be better able to rightly interpret the Word in our reconstruction of the meaning in its original context. Make sure that you understand the role and usage of the basic tools and how they can enhance our study of the text as you review the following questions. 1. What is the current state of availability to the general public of scholarly biblical tools, and what kind of possibilities do such tools open up for those of us interested in bridging the gap between our knowledge of this world and the ancient world? 2. Explain the meaning of the statement: “the tools in biblical interpretation are designed to help us bridge the various gaps between the biblical world and our own contemporary world.” Why is bridging the distance between these two worlds so central in rightly interpreting the Word of God and understanding its significance for us today? 3. Why is it so important to evaluate a tool according to how in particular it helps us identify a way in which we can overcome a particular gap in language, culture, or knowledge between our culture and that of the biblical authors and their audiences? 4. List out what were considered to be the “basic tools of biblical interpretation” in this segment. Of all of these basic tools, which do you believe is most essential and fundamental in all biblical interpretation? Explain. 5. In what ancient languages was the Bible written, and why therefore do we need a translation of these languages? What are some the reasons why it is so difficult to create a translation that will be sufficient for all believers ? Explain. 6. How much confidence can we have in most of the modern translations of the Scriptures? How do we know that they are reliable translations of the original languages?

Segue 1

Student Questions and Response


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