Books Jesus Read


Books Jesus Read

the day of need. 8 And remember, generosity keeps one from death and darkness, and giving to the poor is an excellent offering in the presence of the Most High. “Stay away from fornication, my son! Choose your wife from among my relatives and do not look for a woman outside our tribe. For we are the children of the prophets, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: they all found their wives among their extended families and were thereby blessed as their children inherited the land. Love your family and do not reject them by refusing to take a wife from among them, for arrogance leads to destruction. “Don’t allow the wages you owe to anyone to remain in your pocket. Pay him, for if you serve God he will compensate you also. Watch yourself in everything and be wise in your conversation. Do not do anything you would not want someone to do to you. 9 Don’t drink too much and become a drunkard. Share your food with the hungry and your clothes with the naked. Don’t be stingy: if you have extra, share it with the righteous but not a morsel for the wicked! Accept advice from every wise man, and do not ignore his warnings. Bless the Lord God at all times, asking him to make your ways straight, and to prosper your paths and your plans. “Listen to me now, my son, I have placed ten talents of silver on deposit with my associate, Gabiel, at Rages in Media. Though we live poor now, in the days to come this fortune will be yours if you fear God, avoid sin, and do what is pleasing in his sight.”

8 Compare Jesus’ teaching on storing up treasures in Matt 6:19–21. 9 Tobit teaches his son a form of the “golden rule” later taught by Jesus (Matt 7:12; Luke 6:31).

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