Books Jesus Read


Books Jesus Read

“What joy is there for a man with no eyesight?” asked Tobit, “for I no longer see the light of heaven but am in darkness like the dead.” “Courage friend,” said Raphael, “your healing from God draws near!” “Brother,” replied Tobit, “tell me, please, about your family and tribe.” “Are you looking to hire an entire tribe,” quipped Raphael, “or just a guide?” “Please don’t be angry with me,” said Tobit, “I ask about your family and tribe so I can be sure about your lineage.” “Very well,” agreed Raphael, “I am Azariah, son of Hananiah, a kinsman of yours.” “May health and salvation be yours always,” declared Tobit, “for Hananiah was never led astray but used to go with me to Jerusalem for worship. Truly, you have come to us from a great family!” Raphael agreed to the wages offered, and Tobit directed his son to prepare for the journey saying, “May God in heaven take you both safely there and return you home again in good health.” Tobias kissed his mother and father, and the two of them set out on their journey, his dog following after them. But his mother was in tears as she watched them leave. “You’ve sent my child away!” she cried, “There goes the security of our old age, and for what, mere silver? Is the Lord unable to provide for us without it?”

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