Books Jesus Read
Books Jesus Read
she is beautiful and wise, and to you alone belongs the right of marriage as her only near kinsman.” “But I have heard that she has had seven husbands who all died in her bed!” said Tobias. “People say that an evil spirit keeps her for himself, and that it murders anyone who dares to come near her. I am my father’s only son, and if anything happens to me, I will bring my father and mother down to the grave in sorrow, since they have no other son to bury them.” Then the angel said to Tobias, “Fear not, and don’t forget your father’s command: you must take a wife from among his kindred. Neither worry about the evil spirit, for tonight Sarah shall be yours alone. When you enter the marriage chamber, lay the fish heart and liver on the fire of the incense until it smokes. This will repel the demon and it shall not return. Then rise up, both of you, and pray to the merciful God who will have pity on you and rescue you. Sarah was appointed for you from the beginning. You shall save her and she shall bear you children ( 1 Tim 2:15 ). When Tobias heard all this, his heart was joined to Sarah and he loved her. The Wedding Feast When the travelers arrived at the home of Raguel they greeted him and his wife Edna, and their daughter Sarah. “This young man is Tobias!” Raguel told his wife, “See how he favors his father?” “You are of the tribe of Naphtali?” asked Edna.
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