Books Jesus Read
Books Jesus Read
where Raphael bound him. Tobias said to Sarah, “Arise, sister, let us pray that the Lord will show us mercy.” Then he prayed, “Blessed are you, O God of our fathers, and blessed is your holy and glorious name forever! May the heavens and all your creatures bless you. You made Adam and gave his wife Eve to him to help and support him. From these two arose the offspring of the human race. For you said, ‘It is not good that man should be alone; let us make a helper suited to him’ (Gen 2:18).” “Now, O Lord, I take this sister to myself in righteousness and not for lust’s sake. Grant us your mercy, therefore, that we may grow old together!” “Amen,” replied Sarah, and the two spent the night together. Meanwhile, Raguel stayed up late to dig a grave in case Tobias died in the night. Before daybreak, he told his wife Edna, “Send in one of your maids to see if the young man is alive. If not, there’s still time to bury him so no one will know.” Now the maid went in found both of them sleeping, so she reported that Tobias was alive! Raguel praised God saying, “You are worthy, O God, for all pure and holy praise is due you. May your holy ones and all your creatures praise you. May your angels and all the elect of God praise you forever. I rejoice because what I dreaded has not come to pass, but you have dealt with us according to your great mercy. All praise be to you, for you have shown mercy to these two only children of their fathers. Grant them your continuing mercy, Master, that they may live out their lives with grace with joy.”
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