Books Jesus Read
Books Jesus Read
Discussion Questions
According to Tobit, why has his nation been exiled? To what extent do you think God passes judgment corporately today?
Both Tobit and the angel Raphael offer teachings reminiscent of Proverbs. Would you describe these teachings as biblical? As Christian? Why or why not? Imagine if Tobit was your uncle. How would you feel about his lifestyle and beliefs compared to your own? Would you and your family be proud of your uncle, or embarrassed? In burying the dead, Tobit regularly performed an undesirable service for others, even though it left him ritually unclean. What tasks or acts of service do you find inconvenient, yet do anyways for others? What tasks like this are done for you? What characteristics of the prayers of Tobit, Sarah, and Tobias stand out to you? How might the practice of prayer in the book of Tobit shape your own prayer life?
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