Books Jesus Read
Chapter 6: The Spirit of the Martyrs – 2 Maccabees
not again reach a peaceful settlement, and that Simon would not stop his folly. However, when King Seleucus died and Antiochus Epiphanes began to rule, then Jason, the brother of Onias, took over the high priesthood by promising Antiochus a payment of 360 talents of silver and, from another source of revenue, eighty talents. Moreover, he promised to give an additional 150 talents if granted permission by his authority to build a Greek gymnasium and recruit the youth for it, and to enroll the men of Jerusalem as citizens of Antioch. 4 When the king agreed, Jason took over the high priest’s duties, and began his program of converting the Jews to the Greek way of life. He suspended their privileges and introduced many new customs contrary to the law. He built the gymnasium next to the Akra, and compelled popular young Jews to wear the Greek hat. 5 Thus, by the great wickedness of Jason, who was ungodly and no high priest, the city underwent complete Hellenization. Now living according to the foreign customs, the priests no longer served at the temple altar, offering its sacrifices, but enthusiastically joined in the events of Greek prestige, including wrestling and discus throwing. For this reason, disaster overtook them, for it is no light thing to show irreverence to the divine laws—a fact which later events will make clear. 4 Antioch – the capital city of Syria, where Antiochus had his throne. Being designated a “citizen of Antioch”would bring the Jews of Jerusalem social privilege and fully identify them with the Greek way of life, an obvious rejection of their heritage. 5 Greek hat – like the helmet worn by the Greek god Hermes.
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