Books Jesus Read
Chapter 6: The Spirit of the Martyrs – 2 Maccabees
Sostratus, whose responsibility was the collection of revenue. When, however, the people of Tarsus and of Mallus revolted because their cities had been presented to the king’s concubine as a gift, Antiochus had to leave Antioch to settle the trouble, and he left Andronicus, a high ranking official, in charge. Menelaus, seeing his opportunity, hired a man to steal gold vessels from the temple, selling some of them in Tyre and other nearby cities, and paying off Andronicus with the rest. When these things became known to Onias, he publicly exposed them, after withdrawing to a place of sanctuary at Daphne near Antioch. Menelaus urged Andronicus to kill Onias. So, Andronicus, resorting to treachery, offered Onias a sworn pledge not to harm him if he would leave the sanctuary. When Onias came forward, Andronicus immediately took him captive and, with no regard for justice, did away with him. Now, many grieved at the unjust murder of Onias, and not Jews only, so that when King Antiochus returned from Cilicia, the Jews cried out to him on account of the unreasonable murder. Many Greeks also expressed their hatred of the crime. Antiochus himself was grieved at heart and filled with pity. Indeed, he wept when he remembered the moderation and good conduct of Onias. Inflamed with anger, he stripped the purple robe from Andronicus, tore off his garments, and had him led in humiliation before the whole city to the very place where he had committed the outrage against Onias, and there had him put to death. The Lord thus repaid him with the punishment he deserved.
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