Books Jesus Read
Books Jesus Read
ancestors. When even he refused, Antiochus appealed to the mother that she should convince her son to commit apostasy. She agreed to speak to him, but pulling him close, she spoke in Hebrew, saying, “Son, have pity on me. I carried you in my womb for nine months, nursed you for three years, and have brought you up to this point in your life. Look at the heaven and the earth, child. See all that is in them and recognize that God made everything, including the human race, from nothing. 11 Do not fear the executioner but show yourself worthy of your brothers by embracing your death so that, in God’s mercy, I may see you again along with your brothers.” The boy then addressed his captors, “After enduring the cup of suffering briefly, my brothers now enjoy the everlasting drink of life just as God promised. My body and soul I now surrender by obeying the law passed down to us from Moses. May God’s wrath fall on you, and may the punishment poured out on our people come to an end with me and my bothers!” The king was so enraged with the youngest son’s reply that he had him tortured more severely than his brothers. Finally, their mother, having witnessed the torture and destruction of her seven sons, met death with courage since her hope was in the Lord alone. 12
11 The Greek original says, “he made everything but not from existing things.” In the Vulgate, Jerome translated the phrase as ex nihilo , “out of nothing.” 12 2 Macc 7:42 is omitted.
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