Books Jesus Read

Chapter 7: Spiritual Discernment – Daniel


Discussion Questions

In Bel and the Dragon, Daniel took a stand against both the king’s wishes and the idols of his day. What are the idols of our day, and how should we stand against them to the glory of God? Did the Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Jews enhance the story of the three Hebrew in the fiery furnace for you (Dan 3)? If so, how? It is disturbing, though perhaps not surprising, that what we know today as sexual harassment is found in historical accounts as old as the story of Susanna (100 BC). Though this story primarily highlights Daniel’s wisdom, how would you describe its impact on your heart and mind? What virtues, character traits, attitudes, gifts, or excellencies are embodied in Daniel as reflected in the stories of Susanna and Bel and the Dragon? What skills or practices would you want to emulate? Taken together, the Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Jews offer a model similar but not identical to the “ACTS” model of prayer (A = Adoration; C = Confession; T = Thanksgiving; S = Supplication). Which elements can you identify in these passages, and what value do you see in their pattern of prayer?

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