Books Jesus Read


Books Jesus Read

24 They hold back their words until the right moment; then the lips of many tell of their good sense. 25 In the treasuries of wisdom are wise sayings, but godliness is an abomination to a sinner. 26 If you desire wisdom, keep the commandments, and the Lord will lavish her upon you. 27 For the fear of the Lord is wisdom and discipline, fidelity and humility are his delight. 28 Do not disobey the fear of the Lord; do not approach him with a divided mind. 29 Do not be a hypocrite before others, and keep watch over your lips. 30 Do not exalt yourself, or you may fall and bring dishonor upon yourself. The Lord will reveal your secrets and overthrow you before the whole congregation, because you did not come in the fear of the Lord, and your heart was full of deceit. and a gracious tongue multiplies courtesies. 6 Let those who are friendly with you be many, but let your advisers be one in a thousand. 7 When you gain friends, gain them through testing, and do not trust them hastily. 8 For there are friends who are such when it suits them, but they will not stand by you in time of trouble. 9 And there are friends who change into enemies, and tell of the quarrel to your disgrace. 10 And there are friends who sit at your table, but they will not stand by you in time of trouble. Sirach – Seven Passages on Friendship (NRSV) 5 Pleasant speech multiplies friends,

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