Books Jesus Read


Books Jesus Read

A mocking friend is like a stallion that neighs no matter who the rider is (33:6).

To son or wife, to brother or friend, do not give power over yourself, as long as you live; and do not give your property to another, in case you change your mind and must ask for it (33:20). A friend or companion is always welcome, but a sensible wife is better than either (40:23). Be ashamed of sexual immorality, before your father or mother; and of a lie, before a prince or a ruler; of a crime, before a judge or magistrate; and of a breach of the law, before the congregation and the people; of unjust dealing, before your partner or your friend (41:17–18). [Be ashamed] of meddling with his servant girl—and do not approach her bed; of abusive words, before friends— and do not be insulting after making a gift (41:22). Sirach – Eight Additional Verses (NRSV) A stubborn mind will fare badly at the end, and whoever loves danger will perish in it (3:26). Whoever loves [wisdom] loves life, and those who seek her from early morning are filled with joy (4:12). Do not hesitate to visit the sick, because for such deeds you will be loved (7:35). Turn away your eyes from a shapely woman, and do not gaze at beauty belonging to another; many have been seduced by a woman’s beauty, and by it passion is kindled like a fire (9:8).

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