Books Jesus Read


Books Jesus Read

Discussion Questions

Like Proverbs 1, Sirach 1 finds wisdom in “the fear of the Lord.” If godly wisdom is rooted in the fear of the Lord, what is worldly wisdom rooted in? What falsely masquerades as wisdom in our culture today?

What are two or three principles of friendship from Sirach that you wish you would have read earlier in life? How could they be helpful in your own friendships?

According to Wisdom 1–6, where do the righteous place their hope in this life and the next? Is this where your hope is placed?

Consider writing your own set of proverbs about friendship. What are some principles you could write about?

“Wisdom” is not just an ancient form of literature. It also describes a way of life. What practices or disciplines did you find in this chapter that form the basis for living wisely?

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