Books Jesus Read
Books Jesus Read
Then he destroyed the pagan altar as the citizens of Modein looked on ( Judg 6:25 ). “Let anyone who still loves the law of Moses and who keeps the covenant follow after me!” shouted Mattathias. Then he and his sons, together with all those who were zealous for the law and covenant, fled to the hills, leaving everything behind. In the days that followed, many Jews fled into the wilderness with their families and livestock because of the troubles that pressed heavily upon them. It was reported to the king’s officers and troops in Jerusalem, the City of David, that those who had rebelled against the king’s command were hiding in the wilderness, and that they would not fight—not even defend themselves— on the sabbath. Therefore, they pursued and easily overtook them when the sabbath came. “Enough!” the commander of forces called out to the rebels. “Come out and do what the king commands and you will live.” “We will not come out,” they replied, “nor will we obey the king’s commands since that would profane the sabbath day.” The command was given and the soldiers began dragging Israelites from their caves to slaughter them, and they did nothing to resist. “We lay down our lives in innocence,” they cried, “for heaven and earth testifies against you that you kill us unjustly.”
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