Books Jesus Read

Chapter 1: Spiritual Rebellion – Mattathias


“Do not fear how many of them there are,” said Judas, nor how they attack us. Just remember how our fathers were rescued at the Red Sea when Pharaoh chased them with his army ( Exod 14:21–31 )! Let us cry out to heaven and see if he will remember his covenant with our fathers, and destroy our enemies before us today. Then all the Gentiles will know that there indeed is a Redeemer and Savior in Israel!” Judas made straight for the center of the enemy’s camp. His men followed while sounding their trumpets. The noise startled the enemy, throwing them into confusion and sending them in all directions. Before they could recover, Judas had cut down many foot soldiers and his men chased those who were knocked off their horses into the ditches and ravines before killing them. More than three thousand of the enemy fell that day. In all the confusion, Gorgias’ men left much of their equipment on the field of battle. Judas warned the men not to gather the spoils too soon. He directed them instead to set fire to the enemy’s tents. Meanwhile, Gorgias led a portion of his army to a nearby hillside to regroup. When he saw the tents of his camp on fire, he led his surviving soldiers in retreat into Philistia. Then Judas directed him men to gather up whatever was left on the field of battle. There they recovered weapons and armor, but also gold and silver coins and finely dyed linens. As they worked, they sang hymns to heaven, “For he is good, his mercy endures forever!” ( Pss 118:1 ; 136:1 ). Thus, Israel won a great victory that day. The Gentiles who escaped the battle reported to Lysias all that had happened. He was perplexed at this turn of

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