Books Jesus Read


Books Jesus Read

Discussion Questions

The Jews of Mattathias’ time differed on how to relate to Hellenism, the world’s culture. What similarities do you see in the approaches today’s churches take toward popular culture? Alexander’s conquest spread the Greek language and culture throughout the Mediterranean world. How did this negatively impact the Jews of that day? While the author mentions none, can you suggest any possible benefits arising from the spread of that culture? Just reading about the Jewish persecution under Antiochus Epiphanes is disturbing. How might this event have affected the faith of those who survived it? How do you understand the sovereignty of God, his providence or control over world-events, in light of this and similar events, such as the Holocaust in Nazi Germany? While some Jews were passive in the face of persecution, Mattathias decided to fight. Do you agree that fighting was necessary for the Jews at this time in their history? Why or why not? Mattathias exhorted his people to “show zeal for the law” by recalling the deeds of Abraham, Joshua, and others. Is “showing zeal for the law” a spiritual discipline for you? If so, how does this strengthen your faith? If not, how might you develop “zeal for the law”?

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