Books Jesus Read
Chapter 2: Hasmonean Holiness – Judas Maccabeus
“Since your brother died,” they said, “we have no one like him to lead us in battle against Bacchides and our other enemies. Therefore, we choose you this day to be our ruler and commander to fight our battle in his place.” On that day Jonathan accepted command in his brother’s place. But when Bacchides heard about this, he tried to kill him. Then Jonathan, his brother Simon, and all who were with them escaped to the wilderness of Tekoa and camped by the pool of Asphar. Bacchides learned about their hideout on the sabbath, and immediately led his large army across the Jordan. 10 Jonathan commanded his troops, saying, “Let us arise and fight for our lives, for our situation has never been so dire. Behold! The battle is before us and behind us. The waters of the Jordan block us on the right hand and the left. We are surrounded by marshland and woods, and there is nowhere to hide. Cry out to heaven, that you may be delivered from your enemies.” Once the battle had begun, Jonathan drew near to Bacchides to strike him down. He escaped, but a thousand of his men were slain. Jonathan led his men into the Jordan River and they swam to the other bank, and the army of Bacchides did not follow. Instead, Bacchides led the army back to Jerusalem to fortify their positions in the surrounding strongholds of Jericho, Emmaus, Bethhoron, Bethel, Timnath, Pharathon and Tephon. He strengthened every fortress with high walls, gates, and bars, and left a garrison in charge of each to afflict Israel. He did likewise at Bethsura and the citadel at Gazara. He also took as hostages the sons of the leading men of Israel, imprisoning them in the Akra at Jerusalem.
10 1 Macc 9:35–42 is omitted.
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