Books Jesus Read

Chapter 3 Spiritual Legacy – Jonathan, Simon, and John Hyrcanus

Background A spiritual legacy, something many hope to leave behind, is more than the sum of one’s successes or right decisions. The perennial influence of 1 Maccabees on Christian readers is grounded, first of all, in the character displayed by the Maccabean leadership. These leaders display unshakeable conviction in their trust in God, humility with regards to their own reputations, an eager readiness to serve, and absolute faithfulness to those they lead. Additional elements of spiritual influence can be discerned in these final chapters of 1 Maccabees. Already, the torch of leadership has passed from Judas to his brother Jonathan who then became Israel’s defender in battle. In this chapter, Jonathan’s leadership involves diplomacy as well as military might. Gifts and honors are bestowed upon him by those who would win his favor.


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