Books Jesus Read


Books Jesus Read

of Judea. That you have faithfully observed our mutual pact and continued as our friends, not allying yourselves with our enemies, we have heard and are glad. Remain faithful to us, therefore, that we may ease your burdens and reward you. “I hereby exempt all Jews from the payment of tribute, salt tax, and all other royal taxes. I exempt also the collection of a third of your grain harvest and half of your fruit harvest. These will never again be required from Judah, including Samaria and Galilee. Jerusalem and the surrounding districts are permanently set apart and entirely exempt from any tithes or taxes. As for the Akra, I hereby hand authority for that fortress over to the high priest in Jerusalem, who may secure it with any men he chooses. I release those Jews carried away from Judah during the captivity, and restore to them their freedom and property without payment. I declare all Jewish feasts, sabbaths, new moons, and holy days, from three days before to the three days following, to be days of freedom and exemption for every Jew in my kingdom. No man shall have authority to require anything of them, or disturb them in any matter. “Furthermore, let there be enlisted among the king’s forces, thirty thousand Jews as regular soldiers on the king’s payroll. Let some be stationed in the king’s fortresses. Let others be placed in positions of trust in the administration of the king’s affairs. And let the Jews rule over their own affairs, living according to their own laws, throughout the land of Judah. So commands the king.

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