Books Jesus Read
Books Jesus Read
Jonathan’s warriors killed 100,000 men. Then they rescued the king, set the city on fire and plundered its wealth. When the survivors saw that the Jews were in control of the city, they laid down their weapons and cried out for mercy, “Grant us peace, and call off the Jews from attacking us and our city!” Thus the Jews were honored in the eyes of the king and all who were in the kingdom. They returned to Jerusalem with the wealth of their spoils. Once more Demetrius II sat on the throne of his kingdom and the land was quiet before him. Soon, however, he broke his promises to Jonathan. Treating him harshly, he never repaid the favors done by him and his warriors. At this time Trypho returned with young Antiochus who was crowned and began to rule. All the men of war whom Demetrius II had dismissed gathered under Antiochus and put Demetrius to flight. With Trypho’s guidance, they retook Antioch and secured the brigade of attack elephants. Young King Antiochus wrote to Jonathan saying, “I confirm you in the high priesthood and set you over the four Judean districts, to rule as Friend of the King.” Antiochus sent Jonathan golden plates and utensils, and granted him permission to drink from a gold chalice, to be clothed in royal garments, and to wear the golden buckle. Moreover, he appointed Simon his brother as governor over the entire region from the Ladder of Tyre 4 to the borders of Egypt. When Jonathan traveled beyond the river, the forces of Seleucia met him as allies, and as he entered Ashkelon the people honored him. But when he approached Gaza, the people shut him out. So, he laid siege to Gaza,
4 Ladder of Tyre – the coastline from Tyre down to Ptolemais.
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