Books Jesus Read


Books Jesus Read

1 Maccabees 12 5 Now Jonathan learned that Demetrius II’s commanders were bearing down on him with a larger army than before. So, Jonathan and his men left Jerusalem to confront the enemy in Hamath, to prevent their invading Judea. He sent out spies who learned that the enemy planned to attack at night. When the sun had set, therefore, Jonathan posted watchmen around the camp and outposts near the enemy to remain at readiness all night. When the enemy heard that Jonathan and his men were awaiting their attack, they became fearful. Lighting fires in their camp, they slipped away. Jonathan’s sentries kept an eye on the fires, but did not discover the enemy’s absence until the next morning. Then Jonathan’s forces pursued the enemy but did not catch them since they had already crossed the Eleutherus River. So, Jonathan’s forces turned aside to the Arabians, called Zabadeans. They defeated them and plundered their supplies. Simon also ventured forth with his men. Bypassing Ashkelon and its fortresses, he took Joppa by surprise and defeated it, stationing a garrison there. For he had learned of their plan to hand their fortresses over to Demetrius II. Jonathan returned home and assembled the elders of the people to discuss a plan for building more fortresses throughout Judea, for building the walls of Jerusalem higher, and for raising a barrier between the Akra and the city to isolate its spies from the city. They began by rebuilding a portion of the city wall, known as Chaphenatha, that had fallen. Simon built Adida in the Shephelah, fortifying its gates with bars.

5 1 Macc 12:1–23 is omitted.

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