Books Jesus Read

Chapter 4: Uncompromising Standards – Judith


shutting up the mountain passes. This angered the general greatly, so he summoned all the rulers of the west. And the leaders of Moab, of Ammon, and of the seacoasts came out to him and he interrogated them: “Tell me, sons of Canaan, where are the people who dwell in the hill county? What cities do they inhabit and how large is their army and what is its strength? Who rules this land, and leads their armies? How is it they alone have failed to answer my summons?” Achior, ruler of the Amonites replied to Holofernes, “My lord, if you will receive a report from the mouth your servant, I will declare to you the truth about those who inhabit the hill country. And no lie shall come from the mouth of your servant. The people you ask about are descendants of the Chaldeans, who formerly dwelt in Mesopotamia. They left because they would not worship the gods of their ancestors, preferring to worship the God of heaven, whom they knew. Their ancestors, therefore, drove them away from the presence of their gods, and they traveled for many days. Then their God directed them to the land of Canaan, where they settled and prospered in gold, silver, and cattle. Yet, when famine covered the land of Canaan, they sojourned in Egypt. There they were nourished and multiplied such that no one could count them. “Then the king of Egypt opposed them, enslaving them under the burden of brick making. When they cried to their God, he struck Egypt with incurable plagues, and so they too drove Israel from their sight. God dried up the Red Sea before them and brought them to Mt. Sinai and Kadesh Barnea, driving before them the inhabitants of the wilderness. They occupied the land of the Ammonites

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