Books Jesus Read


Books Jesus Read

seize the passes through the hill country into Jerusalem. 7 When the Israelites saw their vast numbers, they were greatly terrified and every one said to his neighbor, “These men might wipe the whole land clean! For neither hills, nor mountains, nor valleys can bear their weight.” Nevertheless, each man took up his weapons, kindled a fire in his tower, and remained on guard all that night. In the morning, Holofernes led out his cavalry in full view of the people of Bethulia. He examined all possible approaches through the pass to Jerusalem. He also consulted with the leaders of the people of Esau and the Moabites, who counseled him regarding Israel. “These Israelites are not easily conquered in their mountain fortresses,” they warned, “but if you cut off their water supply then thirst will force them to surrender their city.” This plan pleased Holofernes and he gave orders to do as they had said. The army seized the water supply and all the springs of the Israelites. 8 The Distress of the Israelites After thirty-four days, the water supply of Bethulia was dried up. Their children lost heart and the women and young men fainted from thirst in the streets since there was no strength left in them. Then the people cried out against Uzziah, “God judge between you and us! For you have done us a great injury in not making peace with the enemy! Now we have no one to help us and God has sold us into their hands, to destroy us with thirst. Call Holofernes and his forces and surrender the city, for it is

7 Jdt 7:2–3 is omitted. 8 Jdt 7:9–18 is omitted.

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