Books Jesus Read
Chapter 4: Uncompromising Standards – Judith
lives, as well as the temple and its altar, rests on us. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God who puts us to the test this day!” 10 Then Uzziah answered her, “All you say is spoken from a true heart, and no one can deny your words. Today is not the first time your wisdom has been seen, but from the beginning of your life all the people have recognized your understanding, for your heart’s disposition is right. But our people are dying of thirst as we speak! So then, since you are a woman of prayer, please pray for rain to fill our cisterns and quench our thirst.” “You pray!” said Judith, “and watch what I do, for my plan will be remembered by my grandchildren and great grandchildren!” “What plan?” asked Uzziah. “Be at the city gate tonight to release me with my maid servant, and before the five days are up, the Lord will surely deliver Israel by my hand.” “What will you do?” Uzziah pleaded. “Don’t ask,” she replied, “for you will know soon enough once my plan succeeds!” After Uzziah left, Judith put ashes on her head, fell upon her face, and cried out to the Lord with a loud voice, praying all that night, “Hear me, Lord God, a widow, for you care for widows and orphans! You gave my ancestor Simeon a sword to take revenge on those men who stripped Dinah of her clothing and defiled her
10 Jdt 8:25–27 is omitted.
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