Christian Mission and Poverty
Christian Mission and Poverty
Discussion Questions
Woolman sees connections between the desire for wealth, unjust uses of land, people being overworked, and people living in poverty. How does Woolman think the economy, warfare, slavery, and poverty are connected? What might Woolman say about how this works in your community? Why is it important for Thurman that Jesus was a Jew, from a poor family, and from a people under Roman occupation and oppression? What significance do these facts carry for the church today? How have you experienced either assimilation or segregation in the church rather than reconciliation and justice? How do you maintain faith in Jesus in the midst of injustice, suffering, racism, and economic inequality? In what ways does Thurman focus on Christian mission from the margins rather than to the margins? How is this different or similar to Woolman’s understanding of Christian mission? Where is God calling you to position yourself? Are there practices of resistance to which God is calling you? How can the inner strength spoken of by Thurman lead you to creative action rather than passive silence? What practices would Woolman recommend that you engage in or refrain from?
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