Christian Mission and Poverty
Christian Mission and Poverty
As soon as the morning office 6 on Sunday is ended, let the weekly servers who come in and who go out, cast themselves upon their knees in the oratory 7 before all, asking their prayers . . . 5. Of the Sick Brethren Before and above all things, the sick must be taken care of, that they be served in very truth as Christ is served; because He has said, “I was sick and you visited Me” (Matt 25:36). And “As long as you did it to one of these My least brothers, you did it to Me” (Matt 25:40). But let the sick themselves also consider that they are served for the honor of God, and do not let them grieve their brothers who serve them with unnecessary demands. These must, however, be served patiently, because from such as these a more bountiful reward is gained. Let the Abbot’s greatest concern, therefore, be that they do not suffer neglect. Let a cell be set apart for the sick brothers, and a God- fearing, diligent, and careful attendant be appointed to serve them. Let the use of the bath be offered to the sick as often as it is useful, but let it be granted more rarely to the healthy and especially the young. In this way also let the use of meat be granted to the sick and to the very weak for their recovery. But when they have been restored let them all go without meat in the usual manner. But let the Abbot exercise the utmost care that the sick are not neglected by the Cellarer or the attendants, because whatever his disciples do wrongly falls back on him.
6 Morning Office – the prescribed order of prayers for the beginning of the day. 7 Oratory – the worship space of the monastic community.
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