Christian Mission and Poverty


Christian Mission and Poverty

all men the most limited, ought to be regarded as the most affluent. For he who does not desire other people’s possessions, but is willing to be satisfied with his own, is the wealthiest of all. However, with your permission, let us return to the proposed subject. “It came to pass,” it is said, “that Lazarus died; and he was carried up by angels” (Luke 16:22) . . . 2. . . . Not the souls of the just only, but also those of sinners are led away. This also is clear from the case of another rich man. For when his land brought forth abundantly, he said within himself, “What shall I do? I will pull down my barns and build greater” (Luke 12:18). Than this state of mind nothing could be more wretched. He did in truth pull down his barns; for secure storehouses are not built with walls of stone; they are “the mouths of the poor.” But this man neglecting these, was busy about stone walls. What, however, did God say to him? “You fool, this night shall they require your soul of you.” 3. You are silent as you listen to these things. Much rather would I have silence than applause. Applause and praises tend to my own glory; but silence tends to make you wiser. I know that what has been said causes pain, but it brings also great and inexpressible advantage. That rich man, if he had had someone to admonish him of these things, and had not had those flatterers counseling him always with a view to favor, and encouraging him in luxury, would not have come to the place of punishment; he would not have endured those insupportable tortures, he would not afterwards have repented so inconsolably. But

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