Christian Mission and Poverty

Chapter 4: Holy Poverty


His power is stronger, His nobility higher, His appearance lovelier, His love sweeter, And his grace more elegant. You are now held tightly in the embrace Of the one Who has adorned your breast with precious stones And has hung priceless pearls from your ears. He has completely covered you with Glittering and sparkling gems, And has placed on your head a golden crown Engraved with the seal of holiness. Therefore, dearest sister—or should I say, most venerable lady, because you are spouse and mother and sister of my Lord Jesus Christ, and are most resplendently distinguished by the banner of inviolable virginity and holiest poverty— be strengthened in the holy service begun in you out of a burning desire for the Poor Crucified. For all of us he endured the passion of the cross, rescuing us from the power of the prince of darkness—by whose power we were kept in chains because of the transgression of our first parent—and reconciling us to God the Father. O blessed poverty That provides eternal riches to those who Love and embrace it!

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