Christian Mission and Poverty
Chapter 4: Holy Poverty
want. But the poor, thought they do not enjoy plenty, have their every need fulfilled; I never fail them so long as they put their trust in me. True, I sometimes bring them to the brink so that they will better see and know that I can and will provide for them, so that they will fall in love with my providence and embrace true poverty as their bride. Then their servant, the Holy Spirit, my mercy, when he sees that they lack anything that is necessary for their bodies, will light a nudging spark of desire in the hearts of those who are able to help, and these will come to help them in their need. The whole life of my gentle poor is thus cared for by the concern I give the world’s servants for them. While it is true that in order to prove their patience and faith and perseverance I allow them to suffer reproach and insult and abuse, at the same time my mercy constrains the very persons who treat them ill to give them alms and help them in their need. Such is my general providence for my poor. But sometimes, for my great servants, I act directly, by myself alone, without any human intermediary, as you know from your own experience. And you have heard how your glorious father Dominic, in the early days of the Order, was once so in need that when it came time to eat, the brothers had nothing. My beloved servant Dominic, trusting by the light of faith that I would provide, said, “Sons, take your places at table.” They brothers obeyed him, and at his word sat down. Then I who provide for those who trust in me sent two angels with the whitest of bread, so much that they had great plenty for several meals. This was an instance of providence worked by the Holy Spirit’s mercy without any human intermediary.
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