Christian Mission and Poverty
Foreword When Hank Voss shared with me the vision of The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI) to develop a reader’s digest of historic Christian thought for contemporary Christian leaders who live and work in under-resourced communities, I was instantly excited. So many faithful pastors, teachers, leaders, and Christian workers learn how God spoke uniquely and definitively in Jesus and the Bible, but miss the vast sea of wisdom that lays in front of this singular horizon. They miss seeing how God’s Word and Spirit has worked through faithful hearts from generation to generation to transform lives and the world in which they live. The reader you hold in your hand is a great forward stride in providing this generation with the practical wisdom of its forebears. For the task of compiling and editing this volume on Christian Mission and Poverty, they chose Andrew Draper. My brother Andrew is a practitioner. He is a committed pastor living and working in a community facing the realities of economic decline. He is also a consummate
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