Church Matters: Retrieving the Great Tradition


Chur ch Mat ter s : Ret r i ev i ng the Great Trad i t i on

5. Notice the work between Sharif and the Strategy Coordinator (cross-cultural missionary), Garrison, p. 116.

a. Strategy Coordinator provided Sharif with support, research that allowed the CPM to spread.

b. Sharif provided Strategy Coordinator with how to use Qur’an in conversation with Muslims about Jesus and the NT, Garrison, p. 116.

c. Extraordinary impact of Sharif’s work ten years later in the Jedidi CPM, Garrison, p. 117-122.

E. Summary: although the various movements Garrison speaks of do not use classic Christianity’s labels, they reflect all of classic Christianity’s realities.

1. They all share a spirituality rooted in the apostolic faith that allows thousands and hundreds of thousands of believers to share a common identity.

2. They all contextualized the essentials of the faith in a coherent way within a distinct people group in order that the people understand and reproduce it among their own.

3. They all seek to obey the Great Commission by replicating their faith according to a strategy that is invested with gifted people, stewarded resources, legitimate authority, and efficient protocols that allow for rapid reproduction.

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