Church Matters: Retrieving the Great Tradition


Chur ch Mat ter s : Ret r i ev i ng the Great Trad i t i on

these tortures. Prolific writer whose works survive in four groups.

a. Biblical works: massive edition of the OT, commentaries, an interlinear Bible

b. First Principles : the first systematic theology of the Church (God, the world, freedom, and the Scriptures)

c. Against Celsus : Origen’s reply to Celsus’ anti-Christian work of 170s

d. Practical Works: books such as Prayer and Exhortation to Martyrdom

e. “The teaching of the church has been transmitted in orderly succession from the apostles and remains in the churches to the present day. That alone is to be accepted as true which in no way conflicts with the tradition of the church and the apostles,” ( First Principles , Book 1, Preface 2-8). 6. Cyprian: born early in the 3rd century, taught rhetoric at Carthage; came to Christ in a search for “moral renewal”; appointed presbyter in 248, and bishop of Carthage (“the most important church office in the Roman province of Africa”)

a. Wrote important works dealing with problems of restoring those who rejected Christ in persecution (i.e., called The Lapsed ) suggesting that reconciliation was possible after penance

b. Considered schism in his most important treatise The Unity of the Church

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