Church Matters: Retrieving the Great Tradition


Chur ch Mat ter s : Ret r i ev i ng the Great Trad i t i on

What You Should Know about Christian History: AD 673-1295, continued

Knights Templar, an order of crusader monks based at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. 8. Bonaventure (AD 1217-1274): Franciscan theologian. Francis of Assisi’s biographer. 9. Thomas Aquinas (AD 1225-1274): Scholastic theologian. Applied Aristotle’s philosophy to Christian doctrine. “Angelic Doctor” of Roman Catholic Church. Four Terms You Should Know 1. Cistercians : Roman Catholic monastic order. Also known as “White Monks” (because of their undyed robes) or the “Sacred Order of Citeaux.” Named after Cistertium-Citeaux, the French town where Robert Molesme founded the order. 2. Waldensians : Group of lay-preachers. Also known as the “Vaudois.” Named after Waldo (Valdes), their founder. Condemned at the Third and Fourth Lateran Councils. They survived until the 1600s, when they joined the Protestant movement. 3. Franciscans : Roman Catholic monastic order. Also known as the “Order of Friars, Minor.” Many leading Scholastic scholars, including William of Ockham, were Franciscans. 4. Dominicans : Roman Catholic monastic order. Named after Dominic, their founder. Also known as “Black Friars” (because of their black robes) or the “Order of Friars, Preachers.”

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