Church Matters: Retrieving the Great Tradition
Chur ch Mat ter s : Ret r i ev i ng the Great Trad i t i on
4. In 391 be became a presbyter in Hippo, and in 396 became bishop of Hippo until his death in 430.
5. Developed a number of doctrines and perspectives which are popular in many traditions today
a. First to develop the doctrine of the “invisible church”: Only God can distinguish those who are genuine Christians and those who are not in the Church (visible outside church versus invisible body of true Christians).
b. Dealt with two major problems of his time: Donatist schism and Pelagius (who held that a Christian could live a life without sin with no more help from the Lord except his teaching)
c. Taught salvation as all of God’s grace, faith as a gift of God (397)
d. Held to the notion of original sin, that we can do what we want not what we ought
e. Taught election, that God in his mercy has chosen to save some but not all persons, all this on the basis of his grace. Through prevenient grace (i.e., preceding grace), God provides the ability even to will the good
f. God provides “co-operating grace” which means God’s grace is necessary for any kind of holiness, even for the converted wills.
g. Furthermore, God even gives grace to persevere unto the end.
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