Church Matters: Retrieving the Great Tradition

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Appendix 62 What You Should Know about Christian History AD 1906-1999 From Timothy Paul Jones, Christian History Made Easy , Torrance: Rose Publishing, 2005. p. 126. Four Events You Should Know 1. Azusa Street Revival (1906): William Seymour, a Black Holiness preacher, founded a mission on Azusa Street in Los Angeles. There, many people began to speak in “unknown tongues.” The Pentecostal movement is still growing today. 2. Edinburgh Conference (1910): More than 1,200 delegates gathered for this missions conference. The gathering helped trigger the modern ecumenical movement. 3. Wycliffe Bible Translators Organized (1934): Cam Townsend founded this organization to translate the Bible into other languages. By 1980, the Bible was translated into more than 1,600 languages. Translation continues. 4. Dead Sea Scrolls Discovered (1947): A shepherd-boy found the earliest known copies of the Jewish Scriptures at Qumran, near the Dead Sea. The scrolls verified that modern copies of the Hebrew Bible were nearly identical to ancient copies. Take a virtual tour of Qumran at . Seven Names You Should Know 1. Charles Fox Parham (1873-1929): Holiness preacher. Taught that speaking in “unknown tongues” was the sign of the “second blessing.” One of his students was William Seymour. 2. Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955): Controversial Catholic theologian and scientist. Taught that all life is a process that will eventually be drawn into God’s being. For Teilhard, God is both the goal of this process and the power within the process. Teilhard influenced the beliefs that became known as “process theology.” 3. Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965): Theologian, musician, and missionary doctor. Schweitzer criticized the “quest for the historical Jesus.” At the same time, he argued that Jesus mistakenly expected the immediate end of the world. 4. Paul Tillich (1886-1965): Liberal Lutheran theologian. Tried to bridge the gap between modern culture and Christianity by adapting the Christian faith to modern people’s questions.

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