Church Matters: Retrieving the Great Tradition


Chur ch Mat ter s : Ret r i ev i ng the Great Trad i t i on

4. Dispensational tradition: formed through combination of influences of Reformed , Baptist , Anabaptist , and Anglican offshoots

5. Anabaptist/Mennonite tradition: expresses various Anabaptist/Mennonite offshoots

6. Anglican/Episcopalian tradition: gives expression to Anglican/Episcopalian offshoots

7. Wesleyan: formed through combination of influences of Anglican offshoots

8. Pentecostal: formed through combination of influences of Wesleyan offshoots

E. Overall impact of the Reformation

1. On the landscape of European life, culture, and states

2. On the forerunner of the modern period

3. On the future of the Church of Jesus Christ

IV. Summary of This Period: An Amazing Period

A wide-ranging movement of religious renewal in Europe concentrated in the sixteenth century but anticipated by earlier reform initiatives – e.g., by Waldensians in the Alpine regions, Wycliffe and Lollardy in England, and Hussites in Bohemia. Although inseparable from its historical context—political (the emergent nation-states and the tactical interplay of forces and interests in Imperial Germany and in the loose Swiss Confederation), socio economic (particularly urban growth, with expanding trade, the

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