Ripe for Harvest

Copyright Page2
Table of Contents5
Session 1: Seeing the Big Picture29
Worship and Devotional: The Power of Praise33
Session Themes and Objectives43
Seminar Teaching45
Seminar 1: What Is a Church?47
Seminar 2: Church Planting Overview54
Seminar 3: Using Wisdom in Ministry66
Team Exercises: Establishing Context77
Exercise Guidelines79
Exercise Instructions81
A Call to an Ancient Evangelical Future83
Church Planting Models87
What Is a Church?90
Team Exercises: Defining Values/Vision93
Exercise Guidelines95
Exercise Instructions97
Team Exercises99
Charting Your Own Course107
Resources for Further Study111
Appendix Listing115
Session 2: Prepare (P)117
Worship and Devotional: Freedom in Christ121
Session Themes and Objectives135
Seminar Teaching137
Seminar 1: The Difference That Difference Makes139
Seminar 2: The Theology of the Poor for Church Planters155
Seminar 3: Building the Team for Success169
Team Exercises: Prepare - Be the Church185
Overview of Exercise Phases for World Impact's Evangel School of Urban Church Planting186
Exercise Guidelines188
Exercise Instructions190
Exercise Questions191
On World Impact's "Empowering the Urban Poor"195
Responding to God's Call to the Poor201
As You Form Your Plan, Keep Your Overall Purpose in Mind203
Key Roles of a Church Planting Team205
Charting Your Own Course209
Resources for Further Study213
Appendix Listing217
Session 3: Launch (L) and Assemble (A)219
Worship and Devotional: Prayer Is the Walkie-Talkie of Faith223
Session Themes and Objectives233
Seminar Teaching237
Seminar 1: Evangelism and Follow-up as Mission237
Seminar 2: Christus Victor249
Seminar 3: Conducting Events and Projects275
Team Exercises: Launch - Expand the Church285
Overview of Exercise Phases for World Impact's Evangel School of Urban Church Planting286
Exercise Guidelines288
Exercise Instructions289
Exercise Questions290
Team Exercises: Assemble - Establish the Church293
Overview of Exercise Phases for World Impact's Evangel School of Urban Church Planting294
Exercise Guidelines296
Exercise Instructions297
Exercise Questions298
Welcome to the Family301
Charting Your Own Course325
Resources for Further Study329
Appendix Listing333
Session 4: Nurture (N) and Transition (T)337
Worship and Devotional: God Is a Warrior341
Session Themes and Objectives355
Seminar Teaching357
Seminar 1: Effective Discipling in the Church359
Seminar 2: Discipling Urban Christian Leaders377
Seminar 3: Preaching and Teaching383
Seminar 4: Selecting a Credible Criteria for Independence394
Team Exercises: Nurture - Mature the Church399
Overview of Exercise Phases for World Impact's Evangel School of Urban Church Planting400
Exercise Guidelines402
Exercise Instructions403
Exercise Questions404
The Dynamic Dozen406
Drafting a Constitution (Bylaws)410
Nurture and Transition Dimensions411
Team Exercises: Transition - Release the Church413
Overview of Exercise Phases for World Impact's Evangel School of Urban Church Planting414
Exercise Guidelines416
Exercise Instructions417
Exercise Questions419
The Self-Governing Seven421
Charting Your Own Course429
Resources for Further Study433
Appendix Listing437
Session 5: Bringing It All Together439
Worship and Devotional: Adapt to Win442
Session Themes and Objectives453
Seminar Teaching455
Seminar 1: The Importance of Review457
Team Exercises461
Overview of Exercise Phases for World Impact's Evangel School of Urban Church Planting462
Exercise Guidelines463
Charting Your Own Course471
Resources for Further Study475
Appendix Listing479
The Urban Ministry Institute: Polishing the Stones That the Builders Reject485

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