Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups

Organizing a Healing Group

CONTENT TO COVER A healing group needs to cover at least the core lessons (1, 2, 3, 8, and 9). Allow between ninety minutes and three hours per lesson. You can meet for several days in a row, like a retreat, or in once-a-week meetings spread out over several months. The art expression exercise at the end of Lesson 2 and the lament exercise at the end of Lesson 3 are very helpful. Try to do them both. They can be done in a group meeting, or they can be explained in the group meeting, given as homework, and then discussed the following meeting. Choose from among Lessons 4, 5, 6, 6A, 6B, 6C, and 7 according to the needs of your group and the time you have available. Within each lesson, pick the parts that fit best with your group and time available. You may not have time to cover everything. Do Lesson 8 after you’ve done Lessons 1–3 and as many of the optional lessons (4–7) as you have chosen, so that participants have had an opportunity to reflect on the pain in their hearts. Do Lesson 9 after Lesson 8 because it is much easier for people to forgive those who have hurt them once their pain has begun to heal. Choose from Lessons 10, 11, and 11A according to the needs of your group and the time you have available. The Forgiveness ceremony provides individuals and groups with an opportunity to confess bitterness they have in their hearts and offenses they have committed against others, and receive forgiveness from God. It can be done as the final meeting of a healing group. Each lesson starts with a story that depicts the problem the lesson addresses. These stories should be read aloud and discussed. The purpose of the stories is to get the participants thinking about the subject and sharing their ideas. You may need to adjust the story to your cultural context. An important part of the healing process is for participants to share the trauma they have experienced. There are many opportunities for this throughout the lessons. They should share without accusing others or giving so many details that they upset others. Take time to look up the Scripture references that are in the lessons and read them aloud. It is the Word of God that gives life and feeds people’s souls.

Organizing a Healing Group


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