Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups

USING VISUAL AIDS WELL Visual aids can be anything from writing on a flip chart to objects that help people remember what has been said. When writing on flip charts: • Only write the important things. If you write everything, what’s import- ant will no longer stand out. It also gets monotonous. Less is more. • Write clearly and large enough so people can read it. People don’t benefit if they can’t tell what is written. • Stand to one side of what you’re writing so people can see it. • The discussion is the main activity. The writing should support the discus- sion, not steal the focus. • If you have someone act as scribe for you, allow time for the scribe to write before moving on. • If the small groups write their responses on flip chart paper, have them present their paper. It is not necessary to write it on the flip chart again. Trauma healing is participatory and every group is different. We discourage the use of computer-driven presentations using PowerPoint or Keynote because they can keep you from responding to the unique dynamics of the group.

MANAGING GROUP DYNAMICS The following table offers a list of problems that can arise in a group, along with ideas on how to deal with them.

Problem people

Possible solutions

Talker: This person dominates groups by talking all the time.

“ Let’s hear from someone else now.” Sometimes people like this are not aware that they are dominating, and you may need to talk to them privately.


Classic Program Facilitator Handbook

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