Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups
Lesson 2 Section Sub points
LG: Read (4 min)
1. Story (20 min)
SG: Discussion Question 1 : “Besides the loss of John’s arm, what else has he lost? What has Mary lost? What has their older son lost?” Assign each group to discuss one character: John, Mary, or the son (adjust to the characters in your story). (5 min) LG: Feedback. List for John, Mary, son (security, beauty, economic ability, faith, health, sleep, happy home life, friends, job, etc.). The goal is that participants see how much was affected by this one event. (11 min) LG: Comparison with physical wound: Before the lesson starts, write out the physical wound column on the board or flip chart. Leave the heart wound column blank. Then have the group discover the similarities and differences. (10 min) LG: Present the three main ways traumatized people behave: (3 min) • reliving (like having a nightmare while awake or night- mares while sleeping) • avoiding (places, people, and emotions—going numb, using drugs) • being always on alert (panic, fear, angry outbursts; leads to physical illnesses and problems) SG: Discussion Questions: “Now think about wounded people you know. Have you seen these behaviors? Explain.” (5 min) LG: Stand in a large circle. Ask: “If you know someone who has relived a trauma through nightmares or flashbacks, step into the circle.” Then ask: “If you know someone who has tried to avoid memories of trauma through alcohol, drugs, overworking, overeating, and so forth, step into the circle.” Finally, ask: “If you know someone who has been on alert all the time (jumpy, tense, overreacting, fast heartbeat, and so forth) after experiencing a traumatic event, step into the circle.” This exercise helps the group see that these behaviors are normal and widespread. (5 min)
2. Heart wound (26 min)
Option 1
Option 2
Classic Program Facilitator Handbook
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