Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups
Lesson 6 Section Sub points
LG: Act out the drama below, without prior preparation. (15 min)
Blood wars (15 min)
LG: Read out the questions in Section 2 and have people write down their answers. Then read the correct answers at the end of the lesson out loud. Emphasize that HIV is contracted by blood, fluids from sexual organs, and through mother’s milk. For fun, ask how many got all the answers correct, how many only missed one, and so on. (15 min)
2. Quiz (15 min)
LG: Read the story. (5 min)
1. Story (15 min)
SG: Discussion Questions: 1. “In your area, do people tell others if they know they have HIV or AIDS? Why or why not?” 2. “How do people in your community treat people with HIV or AIDS?” (5 min)
LG: Short feedback. Top up as needed. (5 min)
LG: Ask what false beliefs people have about AIDS. Add any points from Section 3 not already mentioned that are relevant for the context. (10 min) SG: Discussion Question: “Are there practices in your area that increase the spread of HIV? What are they?” (5 min) LG: Short feedback. (5 min) SG: Discussion Questions “How do children learn about sex? Who teaches them? At what age does this take place?” (5 min)
3. False beliefs about AIDS (10 min)
4. Practices that increase spread of AIDS (10 min)
5. Teaching about AIDS (15 min)
LG: Feedback (5 min)
LG: Discuss how the church can be active in this area. (5 min)
LG: Cover the five points in Section 6. Include the importance of ARVs if they are available in the area.
6. Church helping one with AIDS (10 min)
Classic Program Facilitator Handbook
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