Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups
Lesson 6A Section Sub points
LG: Feedback (12 min)
LG: Discussion Question 3: “Are there Scripture passages that people in your community use to justify domestic abuse?” List these passages and ask a small group to discuss them later (in context) and report back to the large group. (5 min) SG: Have half the group discuss the first question and the other half the second. 1: “Summarize the reasons people abuse family members already stated, and add any others that come to mind.” 2: “Summarize the reasons people remain in abusive relationships already stated, and add any others that come to mind.” (7 min)
4. Why does domestic abuse continue? (15 min)
LG: Feedback & top up (8 min)
SG: Discussion Question: “How can victims of domestic abuse be helped?” (6 min)
5. How can we help victims of domestic abuse? (15 min)
LG: Feedback. Add: Help victims find out what services are available in their area and how to connect with them (phone number, location). (9 min)
LG: Summarize this section (5 min)
6. How can we help abusers? (5 min)
SG: Do this if you have more than a 90 minute session.
Closing exercise
Time-saver Skip section 4 if you have already covered this in the discussion of the story.
LESSON 6B: SUICIDE There are differences between the 2016 edition of this lesson and earlier versions. The timetable below follows the 2016 edition. If you are using another edition, adjust the timetable as needed (or download the latest version from the website).
Classic Program Facilitator Handbook
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