Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups

Lesson 9 Section Sub points

LG: Do the rope skit below and bring out that when we don’t forgive, we are the ones who suffer. (7 min)

4. Why does God want us to forgive others? (30 min)

SG: Have each table group discuss one of these verses— Eph 4:26–27; 2 Cor 2:10–11; Heb 12:14–15; Matt 6:14–15; 1 John 4:10; Eph 4:32; Matt 18:21–35—and tell what it says about why we should forgive. (5 min)

LG: Get feedback. Top up with anything from sections A through C. Cover points D and E. (5 min)

SG: Choose one of the questions below: 1. What do you find the hardest thing about forgiving someone? What has helped you the most to forgive others? 2. What traditions do you have that help you to forgive others? What traditions do you have that hinder you from forgiving? (8 min)

If you discuss the second question, get feedback. (5 min)

LG: Ask: “How can we repent?” Bring out from the group the points in Section 5A.

5. If we have caused the offense (5 min)

SG/LG: Optional: If time and context permit, discuss “How can the church help people repent?” and get feedback.

LG: Do this if you are not doing the forgiveness ceremony.

Closing (5 min)

Rope skit Get two volunteers of the same gender. One plays the part of Sam (or Samantha), who has been offended by his friend. Tie the two friends together back to back with a rope. Everywhere Sam goes, he drags his friend with him like a dead weight. This is exhausting and frustrating for him. Now say:

• When Sam takes a walk, his friend is there. • When Sam eats supper, his friend is there. • When Sam tries to do his work, his friend is there.


Classic Program Facilitator Handbook

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