Conversion & Calling, Student Workbook, SW01

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Now is the time for you to discuss with your fellow students your questions about the power of the Word that creates. What particular questions do you have in light of the material you have just studied? Perhaps the questions belowmight spark your discussion together, and help you form your own, more specific and critical questions. * When we say that the Scriptures are inspired by God, do we mean the “original autographs” (i.e., the documents that prophets and Apostles wrote), the translations, copies of the translations, or everything? * What impact on discussions about evolution does our belief that God created the world through his Word have? Is evolutionary theory something we need to be concerned about or not? * If the Word of God is living and active and creative, why doesn’t it seem to work the same way in every person’s heart that hears it? Why do so many people reject the message of the Word today? * What exactly is the relationship between the Word of God in Jesus and the Word of God in Scripture? Which one is to take precedence over the other; are they meant to be taken and revered in the same way? * How are we to relate to the Holy Spirit, practically speaking, so we can know that he will teach us as we study the Word of God? * If I am to study the Word of God in the context of community, what is the role and importance of my personal study of the Word of God? What if I disagree with some of the things that are being taught in my church, or by my pastor-what am I to do then? As a church has been going through a series of teachings on the Second Coming of Christ, a young Christian leader has encountered teachings in the pastor’s sermons that she doesn’t understand, and, on first glance, does not agree with. She has spent some time discussing with the pastor some of the points, and none of them are critical, in the sense that they deny anything taught in the Scriptures. The pastor has made it plain that these are merely his opinions about the Scriptures, but is a strong teacher and many are finding his ideas convincing. The pastor is a biblical leader, a fine Christian teacher, and a humble brother in Christ. What ought the sister to do in this situation? A Serious Case of Disagreement

Student Application and Implications


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