Cornerstone Curriculum Flier

We put together Cornerstone’s lessons to provide you and those whom you equip with a timely, cost-effective, and solid training regimen. Our training will give you a way to certify emerging leaders through the Institute. You can enrich their knowledge of Scripture, and outfit





After completing The Cornerstone Curriculum , you will have the tools to: them to minister effectively as a pastor, lay leader, or a Christian worker where they live and work. As you seek to equip and commission Church Plant Teams, Cornerstone can help these teams equip leaders andGospel workers in away that dramatically cuts both the time and expense associated with typical Bible school or seminary studies. It is even more doable than our own Capstone Curriculum , with no loss to either fidelity to biblical truth or practicalministry training.

• Minister theWordof Godwithaccuracy andeffectiveness

• Articulate anddefend fundamental Christian truth

• Skillfully tend theflockof God, theChurch • Represent Christ as anambassador of his Kingdom

We believe that the training you receive (or provide) through The Cornerstone Curriculum will equip you to glorify God by serving Christ andhis Church. Join the training revolution! Be equipped and equip others through TheCornerstoneCurriculum !

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