Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition - Mentor's Guide

1 1 0 / C O R N E R S T O N E C U R R I C U L U M M E N T O R ’ S G U I D E

The goal of these segue questions is not that you feel the need to go through each one of them. Not only would this be laborious and tiresome, it might also deflect you from focusing on many of the tough issues and central concerns of your students. While the segue questions are meant to help you ensure that the students understand the concepts covered in the video, you will have to balance that objective with the obvious goal of dealing with their questions and interests as they respond to the Scriptures and other materials. One of the goals in covering the case studies in this lesson is making specific and critical interconnections with what is arguably very difficult eschatology and the practical outworking of ministry in the city. One of the most challenging things for students to do is to see the correlation between the scriptural teachings on the Kingdom and their own lives and ministries. Whether or not you use the case studies below or choose to invent your own scenarios to discuss, you must seek to make the intersection plain between what the students have heard, learned, and discussed, and what they are confronted with in their ministries. In light of this, the case studies below try to take seriously what would occur if there might be inappropriate or exaggerated emphases on the Kingdom as already present, or if it were conceived as being entirely future. Believe it or not, the way in which an urban minister views this theology will have a profound impact on how they approach ministry and proceed in their own work for the Lord.

& 8 page 190 Student Questions and Response


T h e o l o g y a n d E t h i c s

& 9 page 192 Case Studies

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