Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition - Mentor's Guide
M E N T O R N O T E S / 1 2 3
Adam’s sin have been nullified (Rom. 5.12-21). Sinners are subject to judgment, both a judgment in the here and now (Rom. 1.24, 26, 28) and a judgment at the end of the age (Rom. 2.16), but there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ (Rom. 8.1). We are captive to the law of sin (Rom. 7.23), while from another angle no-one will be justified by the works of the law (Rom. 3.20). But we are discharged from the law, dead to that which held us in bondage (Rom. 7.4). That the wrath of God is exercised towards sinners is in much modern theology an industriously evaded doctrine, but it is plain in the NT (Luke 3.7; John 3.36; Rom. 1.18; 2.5; etc.). But there is also the clear teaching that Christ has turned that wrath away from sinners (1 Thess. 1.10; 5.9). This is the meaning of propitiation too (Rom. 3.25; 1 John 2.2). Death is another tyrant (Rom. 6.23) from which Christ has freed us (Rom. 5.17; 1 Cor. 15.52-57). The flesh is evil (Gal. 5.19-21; Eph. 2.3), but it has been crucified in those who are Christ’s (Gal. 5.24). There is a futility about much of life in this world, but Christians are delivered from it (Rom. 8.20-23); their lives are not in vain (1 Cor. 15.58; Phil. 2.16). The ‘world’ is hostile to Christ (John 7.7; 15.18), but he has overcome it (John 16.33). The plight of sinners is many-sided, but view it how you will, Christ has saved his people by his atoning death.
T h e o l o g y a n d E t h i c s
~ L. L. Morris. “Atonement.” New Dictionary of Theology. S. B. Ferguson, ed. (electronic ed.). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2000. p. 55.
Strive to help the students in this discussion to see the multi-sided and deeply textured biblical images of Christ’s work on the cross, and seek to apply those meanings to their own particular and specific life situations.
By the end of the last class session, you ought to have emphasized your students’ need to have done the necessary spadework to prepare for their Ministry Project. Also, certainly by this time in the unit, your students should have selected their biblical passage for their upcoming Exegetical Project. Both will be done with far better thought and excellence the earlier the students begin to think through them and decide what they want to do. Do not fail to emphasize this, for, as in all study, at the end of the course many things become due, and the students will begin to
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