Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition - Mentor's Guide
1 3 8 / C O R N E R S T O N E C U R R I C U L U M M E N T O R ’ S G U I D E
remains a ready reason to give glory and honor to God. We need never wait for circumstances to be warm and wonderful in order to praise God; even in the midst of the most horrible tragedy, the severest loss, the most disarming trouble, and the greatest need, we are to give praise and glory to God. In spite of all we face and know, he is the Lord of all, perfect, glorious, majestic, full of splendor and wonder, who will never forsake us or abandon us. Regardless of how things look, God is and remains forever by our side and for our benefit. Learning to give the “sacrifice” of praise, to change the meaning of the term for a moment, is a central skill of the developing disciple of Jesus. Countless times we will face situations where there does not appear, at least on the surface of the situation, a single reason to praise. All is wrong and bleak; God appears to have vanished, either not knowing, not caring, or being unable to help. In the midst of this kind of trouble, we grab our harps and give glory to the One who gives us life and sustains our days. He is worthy because he is, for his name is “I Am that I Am.” Challenge the students to their truest vocation, the unbroken and unyielding praise of Almighty God because of who he is and what he has done in Jesus Christ. The Psalmist affirms the power of the Word of God to keep our way pure (Ps. 119.9), to protect from the power of sin (Ps. 119.11), and to give life to the one who receives them (Ps. 119.93). Do not turn the Scripture memorization time into merely a class assignment drill, full of routine and boring repetition. Use this time to challenge and instruct the students on the benefit and profit of the memorized Word. Memorize the Scripture along with the students, and review with them where you are able. Discuss the Scripture’s meaning, and how it relates thematically to what was covered in the lesson last week. This portion of the lesson may very well be the most important, so treat it with the requisite importance and respect. It is simply too easy to get overwhelmed and to treat the memorized Word as simply something to accomplish for the lesson’s requirement. As mentor, attempt to safeguard this time from this deadly error.
C h r i s t i a n M i n i s t r y
& 3 page 268 Scripture Memorization Review
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