Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition - Mentor's Guide
1 6 / C O R N E R S T O N E C U R R I C U L U M M E N T O R ’ S G U I D E
• Lesson 3: Redemptive Poverty Work In this lesson we define exactly what redemptive poverty work is, what it is about, and how it differs from toxic poverty work. • Lesson 4: Rhythms of Life and Poverty Work Our final lesson shows how we can use eight spiritual disciplines to enhance our walk as a believer in Jesus Christ and prevent burnout. Forum and Forms Ensure students have access to the forum and to the forms they will need to complete their assignments. (These forms can be found online on the WIU Redemptive Poverty Work Dashboard.) • Assignment Checklist • Reading Completion Sheet • Scripture Memory Grading Form • Class Schedule with Assignments and Due Dates Review the forms, forum use, and course requirements with the students. Introduction to Redemptive PovertyWork As a final step in this class session, watch The Dirty Little Secret of Poverty Work . which gives an overview of the three major approaches to serving individuals and families in at-risk communities, i.e., Exploitative, Ethical, and Redemptive, and lays the foundation for your entire training. Understanding the principles and practice of redemptive poverty work is essential for all those seeking justice and peace in communities of poverty. Remind the students of their next class meeting and any assignments that need to be completed before the Lesson 1 class meeting.
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